Flowers are Blooming!
The flowers have been blooming up a storm around my yard this year! I’m working on setting up my new raised garden beds to grow some food. I love container gardening, so this year, I’m doing a an upgrade. I’m really enjoying putting this together and should be done by the end of the week, so expect that update when I can get photos of it!
We’re also planning a whole yard overhaul this year, including the garden, so I’m really going to let my designing and gardening skills go wild! My wonderful roommate, Ripley, is completely onboard and letting their creativity go wild with this, too. I won’t be surprised if we have actual electricity running to the buddha garden by the end of the summer.
What is the Buddha garden and why do we call it that? The Buddha garden is a very large garden along the side of our property that was extremely overgrown when we moved in 7 years ago. In the garden, we found a g0od sized statue of Buddha, so we named it the Buddha garden. We’ve never really been able to tame it, so this is going to be the year we finally do. So, while we undergo work on the house and yard, enjoy some of the blooms we have popping up right now along with my mushrooms I put in the garden!