Saving a Duckling

Sunday night, my roommate, Ripley, found a baby mallard duckling in the road way. It was only maybe 3 or 4 days old. The rest of it’s family had been hit and killed by a car, but miraculously, it had survived without a scratch! So, they pulled over and scooped it up. It was just down the street from my work, so they brought it over to me and I have them a box to take it home in. Right after work, I ran to the store and grabbed a couple of supplies so we could take care of the little one for the night. The next morning, they found a bird rescue an hour away to take it and drove it down there where it will be taken care of and eventually be released back into the wild. :) We’re both really big on animal rescue and conservation, so I’m so thrilled that this all worked out! So, without further adieu, enjoy another adorable duckling photo!


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